Boosting Your Senior Dog’s Energy
It is painful to watch your senior dog slows down. The pain doubles up when you remember that in his heydays, he was a bundle of energy most of his life. Like their human counterparts, dogs that are aging bring with them host of problems that can affect their pace and vitality. The problems range from arthritis to cognitive decline to hypothyroidism. However, you need not have to take a passive role in your pet’s aging process. There are things you can do to boost your senior dog’s energy and keep him healthy, active, and on top of his game. Here are some ways to boost a senior dog energy supplements , including some supplementary vitamins. Supplement These days, there is a growing market for nutritional supplements for senior pets. Some supplements are mere hype, but others can be useful as part of an overall wellness plan for your senior dog. Supplements can also help put the pep back in your dog’s step. Fish oil, glucosami...